In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), an individual’s life force or energy is referred to as Qi (pronounced “chi”) and travels along precise pathways in the body referred to as Meridians. When there is a disruption in Qi flow, Qi production, or Qi usage, dysfunction and symptoms arise.
Acupuncture is the art and science of stimulating Qi by inserting needles into meridians at particular positions to enhance the flow, production, or usage of Qi. Acupuncture can also influence yin and yang energies and therefore has many applications in the TCM view.
In addition to the mechanism of action routed in TCM, there is a physiologic response to acupuncture. Typically patients will experience an increase in blood flow, healing factors involved in injury recovery, decreased inflammation, and reduced pain.
Due to the versatile nature of the Tradition Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, it has many indications. To assess if you could benefit from acupuncture, contact our team of qualified health professionals at Radiant Health & Wellness.
What a treatment session looks like
An initial acupuncture session is scheduled for 1 hour and will involve a qualified Naturopathic Doctor to evaluate your current health condition and address your individual chief concerns and goals. After, you will lay comfortably and the clinician will insert a variety of acupuncture needles into precise locations in the body.
NOTE: Contrary to popular belief, acupuncture is typically painless. There is a mildly sharp pain initially, but within seconds it will dissipate.